If I talked about swing fundamentals and goals, most of you would yawn. But the image on the left is the one we most often see. The image on the right is easier to achieve than you might think, and it will produce much better results.
If we can make a small change to the fundamentals of the golf swing most of you are playing with, we’d move from you steering the golf ball to you releasing the clubhead through the golf ball. That would make a significant improvement to your playing experience:
Certainly EXTRA DISTANCE. More than you might imagine. A surprise to everyone you play with.
Definitely STRAIGHTER TEE SHOTS and APPROACH SHOTS. More fairways from the tee. More greens on approach.
More solid, more CONSISTENT BALL STRIKING. More satisfaction at the end of every round.
Forget winning. Forget trophies. Hitting better golf shots makes the whole world a better, happier place. Golf should be the therapy for life!
Would playing second shots from further down the fairway; and being able to hit consistent, more accurate approach shots, matter to you? Would the improvement in experience out on the course be worth some time? Why not find out how much of an improvement could be made? Book a swing assessment with us below.