However old or mature we are, anyone who’s invested in a smart-watch and app that tracks your movement and fitness, knows what a nice warm feeling it is when you get the digital recognition of achievement.
But that little dopamine kick for the brain is nothing compared to the intense pleasure we experience when we hit a good golf shot. And it doesn’t come close to how you feel walking off a green after you’ve played a hole well. Those are the moments when we know we’ve risen to, and met, the challenge of golf.
Think about the last time you experienced those feelings. It was great, wasn’t it? Of course, they don’t last too long! It’s a game that certainly likes to keep us humble.
Fun with friends and social connections are a very important reason to play golf. But while you’re at it, hitting more good shots along the way makes everything so much better.
What improvement would add the most enjoyment to your golf game? We’ve listed six different thoughts of our own, but we’d be interested in you telling us your thoughts.
Or, if you’d like to chat with us about how you can become more accomplished, then leave your details and we’ll reach out to you.